The Other CostCo — A 3D animated short film written by Jo O'Leary, animated by Jo O'Leary, Mick McCormick, Carys Bowen, Sydney Swihart, Penelope Condon, and Meadow Wielander. Sound design by Finn Sipes and Lex Escobedo. Produced through Oberlin College’s Stop Motion Animation Workshop with Professor Rian Brown-Orso, Fall 2024.

Chrysanthemums — A silhouette animation short film made by Jo O'Leary, Sydney Swihart, and Alex Ulrich in Oberlin’s Stop Motion Animation Workshop, Fall 2024. Sound design by Cayden Bach-O'Donnell.

“Aloof” — Analog and Digital rotoscope study by Jo O'Leary. Source video and audio from "Sweet Charity" (1969). Produced in Oberlin’s Stop Motion Animation Workshop, Fall 2024.

Bottoms, Bottoms, Bottoms — A short comedic film written by Jo O'Leary, produced by O'Leary, Valentine Perdu-Ripault, Tomas Rodriguez, Jackie Rogers, and Caleigh Radzin for Fundementals of Cinema Production, Spring 2024.

The Finger — A personal narrative film made entirely independently for First Person Cinema: Personal Narrative with Rian Brown-Orso, Spring 2024. The film stars O'Leary's own fingers and utilizes a handmade set and digital rotoscope animation.